Aadha Joon is a novel written by political commentator,
Jhalak Subedi focuses on the irony of
Nepalese communist movement. The papers portray how Subedi ironizes Nepalese
communist movement and what are the main ups and downs faced by communist
during the period of half century. More than
that the papers concentrates on
the ironical situation of communist
uprising in Nepal after people movement II as well as the situation of decaling
of communist value practices by the
communist cadres in Nepal.
words: Politics, communist, Marxism,
communist, irony.
Joon , a
documentation of contemporary
political ups and downs experienced by
a popular writer, critic and
commentator, Jhalak Subedi, is a
political novel that has incorporated
major political incidents of Nepal and the
contribution of students , teachers and general
public along with political parties
in uprooting Rana regime and Panchayet System to establish democracy . An active cadre of
the then Communist party of Nepal ,
Marxist Leninst , Subedi devoted his prime life selflessly, in his own word, to materialize
the dream of poor, helpless and oppressed section of Nepal in establishing communism which, people think
, will liberate from all sorts of oppression , suppression and inequality
prevailed in the nook and corners of Nepal.
Beginning with how the narrator
enters into party politics amidst
unfavorable financial as well as
social environment , Subedi has
concluded the novel with the narrator’s political resentment, frustration and inaction as a result of the unexpected u- turn
seen in his party and its leadership in terms of personal life style and ignorance of the woe
and pain of the party cadres. In the
beginning of the novel readers find the young militant, energetic,
revolutionary Sanjaya, the narrator most probably the writer himself, a
helpless, frustrated, and inactive at the end of the novel. Aadha Joon does
not deserve to be entitled as a novel without the inclusion of the narrator’s
love affairs with his fellow girls and his effort of quenching his sexual urge
that seems to be somehow vulgar in Nepali context basically to those who are
under the strict party discipline.
the publication of Aadha Joon it invites reactions and counter reactions
from critics and readers. One of famous critics Narayan Dhakal claims, “Aadha
Joon is a fine document of the
dismissal of the one side of communist
movement .In the history of Nepal left ideology gets maximum space and
opportunity to lead the country even before
the restoration of democracy and establishment of republic. People
cherish a dream of equal and just society where all will have better life and
equal opportunity. But the leadership remains unable to work as per the
aspiration and desire of the people which is , in fact , an irony. None of the
critics talk/ discuss on the underlying political irony in Subedi’s novel, Aadha
Joon. This paper analyses how Subedi ironies communist movement of Nepal
despite being one of the devout communist activists. Samuel Johnson sees irony as
a , “ Mode of speech of which the meaning is contrary to the word” (qtd.in Enright 5).Lack of
unanimity in saying and doing creates irony which is more experienced in south
Asian politics especially Nepalese politics. Irony can be used as a counterattack
which Hutcheon terms the "edge" of irony (Hutcheon 10). Encyclopedia
Britannica divides irony into two categories: verbal irony and dramatic irony.
In verbal irony, "the real meaning is concealed or contradicted by the
literal meanings of the words" (390).
People have trust over what their leaders keep on saying either
personally or in a mass meeting if we talk about political leaders and general
public. The sugarcoated pills distrusted to their followers will lose its
credibility after they taste it. Their colorful dreams fade after they learn
the artificiality and bitterness of the beautiful and tasty looking chocolate
given by their political Gurus in the name of their liberation. It is an irony
to the communist cadres who have cultivated a kind of permanent seed of
liberation from their hardship and every sorts of social injustices. As Irony is a
figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended
meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. People find the
actual meaning and underlying intention after they encounter certain political
incident. Not only Sanjay, the narrator, but also most of the characters understand the reality. Leaders,
during their harsh days, show
intimacy with the local people for their
petty self but they turn unexpectedly deaf when they feel comfort and maintain
certain distance with their fellow comrades. Chaitanya Mishra raises question, “Why
do top leaders distance themselves from their own party activists once they
reach a level” (Mishra, 2070). Political leaders forcefully try to change the
society without understanding the age long cultural bondage of the people. As a
result their effort of transformation ultimately goes wrong. Culture is the
most powerful agent that keeps society intact and united. For this they have to
change social reality as Mishra rightly indicates, “Culture is the reflection
of social reality. Therefore, cultural transformation is impossible without
changing social reality”(Mishra 2070:178-179). Imperialists and feudalists
always try to invade local culture in order to reshape it attacks the sense of localism and make it narrower
and brings structural change in economy and culture. As a result the society
becomes like a tree with the branches of one tree and the roots of the others.
The betrayal of one’s own life value normally chases him/her forever if he/she
has a moral ground and sense. The conflict between party principle and action always
haunts top leader but they do not show before their cadres as Sanjaya confesses, “In my heart there is still
conflict between what I learnt the ethics of communist party in working for the
maximum benefit of the people and what my activities in past”(Subedi:5).
Sanjaya repents for his past and expresses irony over present life. “ I, who internalizing / receiving proper
Marxist education worked
constantly for 15 years , am gradually intending to forget Marx”(7).
This indicates the principles of Marx and activities of Marxists do not match
at all. That is why Sanjaya curses himself and the path he is trading at
present,” I who have marched long for revolution , ultimately turned to be like
a broker in the exchange market of
politics” ( 7). Further intensifying and exposing the irony of politics and the
activities of leaders the narrator quoting Rousseau says,” Males’ interest does go out beyond
his physical need. He knows nothing except food, woman and rest” ( 7).
During political life many people faces ups and downs. The
growing trend of party splitting and forming new one has emerged forcefully in
Nepali soil and youngsters have become the victim of their own leaders not
their ideology. The rivalries among leaders affect its followers a lot with
possibilities of escaping forever. Everybody cherishes dream in life but those
dream may fade before they bloom. This is the destiny of all political
characters and Sanjaya too can’t be an exception. After he falls in dilemma and
conflict within him tries to kill his identity. He reveals the bitter truth, “I
was living a new life on the corpse of my own dream that I had killed. And, my
party was more responsible in making me a killer. I was proceeding ahead
towards the road of killer of own self
having no courage to move against such destiny of the history”(49). The
narrator did not have thought that he would surrender against the destiny and
deviate from his party discipline and bond but the u-turn came into his life
makes him more fragile, hopeless and frustrated because he cannot realize the
ultimate truth behind the green color of ideology. Many people like the
narrator have an illusion about communism under which no one should be the
slave of necessities/needs and the freedom of personal wealth makes man slave. Ironies are either praised or criticized
depending on how and on whose interest they are seen to function. Anyone might
come under fire as "[I] rony's guns face in every direction" (Enright,
110). The life of Sanjaya itself is an irony because he does different that of
what he intends. Marx sees nothingness in personal wealth but so called
Marxists are dying for money at any cost. Before money their ethics, morals,
code and conducts and party discipline is very weak and helpless. Sanjaya
pleads for the amendment of principles and issues like the definition of
freedom. He says, “The definition of freedom should be changed” (99). The
thinking of ‘one’s freedom should be under the control of society ‘ is
absolutely wrong because Such control
compels one to come to an agreement with one’s desire. .Accidental but improper
decision of boycotting 2035 referendum by the then ML was a blunder and
moreover a betrayal to the people who love freedom. It neither stood in favour
of referendum nor stood against.
Communists sing their international song and take pride in its theme
ignoring whether party and its leaders will follow its path.
Hoping that the peoples’ republic will
prohibit imperialism and feudalism and nation will develop along with freedom
and national pride there will be no class exploitation, all will get education,
job, and medical facility and nation will look after during old age people show
their sympathy and love towards communist party but their hope shatters after
leaders involve in petty self, nepotism, favoritism and corruption. Poor are
becoming poorer and there is no signal of narrowing the gulf between the poor
and rich. Martyrs sacrifice, leaders’ imprisonment and cadres' painful struggle
are ignored. Mandales, criminals, and opportunists replace the faithful and
devoted party cadres. Sanjay is left behind Parashu and Panche and party
welcomes the new comers who are enlisted in communist party for their benefit
and wellbeing. These all are, in fact, political irony. Sanjay asserts,” The main issue that
attracted me to the Marxist movement was the will of people to be liberated
from scarcities where no one needs to be the slave of needs. The socialism that
I had understood would hypothesize the same condition”(97). But in reality not
only Sanjay but also all who have dreamt a new world are repenting for their
past. Aadha Joon has exposed the bitter reality of the other side and life
style of leaders for whom Sanjay and his fellow comrades show neither their
respect nor disgust. All Dalits except Maili sarkini stand in favor of
Panchayet system. Why do Dalits support Pradhan Pancha and Jimmal who play
negative role in the registration of Dalits’ land by casting their votes in
support of Panchayet is mysterious and surprising incident to all. It is
because as Sanjaya claims,” The fear situated in the conscience is more
powerful” ( 104). Naturally Dalits should support multiparty system but the
reality is different. It is the irony for the politicians and scholars who know
the dynamics of class struggle. Sanjaya concludes the meaning of life
emotionally and says:
is the most valuable property of human. A man should pass his life in such
a Way that he will have no repentance
for his/her past life. The stainful fire of his/her past life may not burn
him/her. She/ he may say that they offered their energy and life for the
fulfillment of the best objectives of the world and human liberation. (113)
Sanjaya nor his colleagues are fully convinced by their definition of life at
the end. They all become the victim of their anarchic leaders and gradually
they are disinterestedness to keep up
their faith as strong as in the past. Once during a party programme the
narrator and others sing international communist song composed by Yunje Potter.
All sang the song
up, damned of the Earth , Stand up, prisoners of starvation Reason thunders in
its volcano , This is the eruption of
the end of the past let us make a clean
state, Enslaved masses stand up stand up the world is about to change its
foundation, we are nothing, let us all. This is the final struggle; Let us
group together, and tomorrow the
international will be the human race (International Communist Song)
The narrator ridicules the song and
says,” Let poor and naked/ clothless always be in the world. If they are
finished our politics will be finished” (133). His statement ironies his course
that he has undertaken for a long time.
His statement contradicts with the ideal of communism. Not only Sanjaya
but all are not strictly following the ideals of their party this way or that
but keep on advising to adopt a saintly life. The gap between saying and doing
is getting wider and wider letting new comers to hold prime responsibilities of
the party sidelining the old, honest and devoted party activists. The
conspiracy of comrade Bishnu against Pushkar who is in love with Sita clarifies
the reality more. Sanjay longs for a
woman to walk the uneven path of his life together but cannot overtly expose in
front of the public. The mask that has kept people in different condition
should be opened to make all aware of the reality.
takes action against Sanjay for his frivolous behavior and deviance. He feels free
in his house being out of the control of party politics but he does not see
meaning in such freedom and asserts, “I felt there is no meaning of the freedom
of a cord broken kite”(143). This sort of conflict with in his heart is also
irony. He is imprisoned for his anti system activities and realizes the true
meaning of freedom. He thinks struggle for the freedom is the most beautiful
job in the world but ultimately he finds the illusion inside the sologan.
Sanjaya is of the view that a person should have his/her freedom when the issue
of marriage and love is concerned but party leaders do not prefer it. Despite
their agreement in principle no one seems to be following it. The contradiction
in principle and action is an irony and the same always haunts the narrator. He
is not satisfied with what his party is directing. He concludes,” I have come
to the conclusion that the study of socialism hitherto is incomplete and the
course that party has undertaken is vague and misleading the people” (208). The
irony behind the UML and ML spilt is also an irony to the party cadres as well
as general public who knows the abcd of politics. The realization of the
futility of the slogans of socialism and communism not only questions the
existing communist ideology but also challenges its centre. The replacement
of old activists from new faces is the
outcome of the open party politics that sidelines honest, old , dedicated and revolutionary rank and file of a party. People believe that divide parties will join
in due course of time as tributaries of a river meet at a certain juncture.
enters into new era after the declaration of republic and the general life
style of leaders transforms unexpectedly. Ethics is defeated by treachery,
cunningness, corruption and dishonesty. Reactionaries of the past hold major
posts in all party ignoring selfless contribution and sacrifice of martyrs and
general people. Party supporter and teacher YN’s suicide is a blow to the party
that never realizes his problems and compulsions. Why he joined the party and why
he committed suicide is the prime question to all who join certain party with the holy dream of peoples’ liberation
from poverty and scarcity. YN’s suicide questions the rationale behind party
politics that never listens its follower's pain and anguish. Hybridization in
politics is also an irony that ridicules the leadership for being unable to
keep party intact and energetic. The loss of value based politics gradually
emerging in every party will have adverse effect in the long term. After the
death of com. Dilliram the narrator clearly sees the hollowness of his ideology
that makes him paralyzed and useless. Sanjay does believe any foreigner’s hand
behind Madan Bhandari’s death. In his opinion his death is an accident rather
than a conspiracy. His party decides to cremate the remaining of Madanbhandari
in all the rivers across Nepal but he thinks it as a business of the party
leaders over the party members who believe in materialism. The narrator
analyses this activity seriously and concludes,” the creative application of
Marxism adopting religious and traditional procedure even in funeral has
justified that the communist movement upto then is false and illusive” (241).
The narrator’s party is divided into two in Tanakpur issue which becomes the
cause of party division. He feels the death of true national spirit and loss of
nationalism. Shaker KC’s party entry and his power seen in the party is ironical
in the sense that the true, devoted, honest and dedicated members are ignored
during the election. Even no leaders come to pay homage to Rohit, a devout
follower of Communist party and the narrator too takes this issue seriously.
After UML divided into UML and ML Sanjaya realizes the reality of party
politics under the veil of certain ism. He places personal freedom to the apex
and concludes that the colour of ideology is green and keeps on extending like a
sum up , Aadha Joon.is a political satire that has attacked the
politicians especially left leaning parties mercilessly for their differences in saying and
doing. Being a devout communist follower Sanjaya, the narrator presents a
historical chronology of Nepalese
political history in general and left politics in particular. His
transformation and deviation is an irony as he cannot transform him into an
honest , devoted and selfless activist.
His party leaders can not materialize what they promise before their followers.
Narrating the political history of Nepal, his student and political life and party’s life,
Sanjaya attacks the very centre of communism which, in his own word , is
merely an illusion
Works Cited
D.J. The Alluring Problem: An Essay on
Irony. New York: OUP, 1986.
International Communist Song
Linda. Irony's Edge: The Theory and Politics of Irony. London: Routeledge,
, Chaitanya. Punjibad Ra Nepal. Phoenix
Book, 2070.
Jhalak. Aadha Joon. Fine Print, 2070.
The New Encyclopedia Britannica.
Vol. 6. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2003. 390.
Thank you Very much Krishna Prasad Paudyal Ji for this critical review.
Taken from political_Irony_in_Subedis_Aadha_Joon_Krishana_Prasad_Paudel_Relation_between_Science_and_Local_Knowledge_Shyam_Chandra_Adhikari_Social_Mobilization_for_Poverty_Reduction
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